Daily Archives: April 22, 2011

Friday’s Find – UK and Canadian Marriage Records – Free at Ancestry this Week

Are you taking advantage of the free access to UK and Canadian marriage records this week? In celebration/recognition of the upcoming royal wedding, Ancestry is running a promotion from now until April 30, 2011. When I logged on to their site earlier today there was a big advertisement box with the details. All I needed to do was click on it and start searching.

Now I don’t actually have any Canadian ancestors, and my Welsh ancestors emigrated in the very early 1700s. But I am never one to pass up a good deal. (And, really, what could be a better deal than free?!) So I tried to think of how I could make the most of their generosity. As a result I’ve been collecting the marriage records for a group of Bechtel cousins that immigrated to Canada. And after that, I need to check on some in-laws of my great-grandmother. They were from England.

There’s no way I could justify the expense of an Ancestry World Membership just to gather records on people with such tangential connections to me. But since I’m a bit of a genealogy junkie and  the opportunity presented itself, I’m going to try to make the most of the situation. Thanks Ancestry!